bird of paradise and bug 2.10-17.2020.jpg EC_0520_030+cropped.jpg

bird of paradise and bug

spineless cactus and bug 9.13-15.2019.jpg EC_0520_026 cropped.jpeg

spineless cactus and bug

3 turned bradford pear leaves with bugs 1.20-22.2020.jpg EC_0520_034+cropped.jpg

3 turned bradford pear leaves with bugs

about to bud Bradford pear with ghost bugs 3.4-9.2020.jpg EC_0520_030%2BB%2Bcropped.jpg

about to bud bradford pear with ghost bugs

baby fig tree and bug 1.7-17.2020.jpg EC_0520_028 cropped.jpg

baby fig tree and bug

japanese aralia and bug 1.27-2.2.2020.jpg EC_0520_030 B cropped.jpeg

japanese aralia and 3 bugs

magnolia flower and bug 8.29-30.2019 resize.jpg magnolia flower and bug 8.29-30.2019.jpg

magnolia flower and bug

new irises and bugs 3.18-21.2020.jpg EC_0520_030+cropped.jpg

new irises with bugs

new lotus flower and bug 11.10.2019.jpg EC_0520_028+cropped.jpg

new lotus flower and bug

skinny bush and bug 9.3-11.2019.jpg EC_0520_026+cropped.jpg

skinny bush and bug
